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Migrating from 0.9.x to 0.10.x

As with the previous release, much has changed. You will find below as exhaustive as possible a list of all changes.

New requirements

Since the use of Servlet 3.x annotations has been abandonned, you now have to declare the web components by yourself. Please read the updated installation guides.

Configuration properties

Almost all the internal configuration has been refactored. As a consequence, if you were previously using a custom file, please update it following the configuration reference.

JSP taglib

Some attributes have been renamed for better consistency, while others have been removed or added.

You will find below all renamed and removed attributes. Please see the change log of the v0.10.0 for the added attributes.

Renamed attributes:

  • filter => filterable
  • sort => sortable
  • paginate => pageable
  • sortInit => sortInitDirection
  • serverParams => serverParam

Removed attributes:

  • scroller, colreorder and fixedheader: all supported plugins can now be enabled thanks to the `ext` table attribute
  • cdn: the asset provisioning is now handled by Dandelion Core

The `` tag is now used inside a `` tag

Thymeleaf dialect

As for the JSP taglib, there was some changes in the Thymeleaf dialect.

Renamed attributes:

  • dt:filter => dt:filterable
  • dt:sort => dt:sortable
  • dt:paginate => dt:pageable
  • dt:sortInit => dt:sortInitDirection
  • dt:serverParams => dt:serverParam

Removed attributes:

  • dt:scroller, dt:colReorder and dt:fixedHeader: all supported plugins can now be enabled thanks to the `dt:ext` table attribute
  • dt:cdn: the asset provisioning is now handled by Dandelion Core

Configuration properties

All Dandelion modules now uses a unified system for loading configuration. As a consequence, each file must be in its place.

For Dandelion, the must locate under the /dandelion folder.

For Dandelion-Datatables, all *.properties files must now locate under the /dandelion/datatables folder. Apart from that, the configuration loading strategy remains applyable.

Moreover, some properties have changed. Please see the reference for an exhaustive list of all available configuration properties.