Added Bower integration
Introduced new "PreLoader": intended to load bundles before any other BundleLoaders. New SPI available to plug in any other implementation.
First implementation is BowerPreLoader, which scans for Bower components using the following strategy:
first check is the "bower.components.location" option is set, if so, the Bower components scanning will start from the specified location. The location can contain "classpath:" (scan in classpath), "file:" (scan in the local file system) or no prefix (scan in the web application directory)
If no "bower.components.location", Dandelion will scan for a "bower_components" folder in the webapp directory. If found, it scans for Bower components
If no "bower_components" folder is found in the webapp directory, Dandelion will scan in the classpath
New config option bundle.extra.loaders
which allows to enable/disable all pre loaders
New configurable placeholders for asset injection
Adapted the AssetInjectionPostHandler so that it can read new attributes from the AssetRequestContext used as placeholders for asset injection
If the placeholders are blank, the default placeholders are used (end of body for JavaScript, end of head for CSS)
Added new options processing utilities originally coming from dandelion-datatables. These utilities have been made generic in order to be used by future components
Improved scanning utilities
Added new implementations for file system and webapp scanning
All scanning utilities now fail silently (but with logging)
Removed XML support in bundle loader definitions
New configurable placeholders for asset injection
New ddl:placeholder-include
and ddl:placeholder-replace
attribute, that allow to mark an HTML element as a placeholder for assets injection
will include assets in the corresponding element (a bit like th:include)
will replace the corresponding element by assets (a bit like th:replace)
Updated the Dialect help file accordingly
New configurable placeholders for asset injection
New <dandelion:placeholder>
tag, that will be replaced by the assets that correspond to the type
Update the TLD accordingly
Upgraded the TLD version to 110 (1.1.0)
#65: Generic options processing
#64: Expand the asset injection feature with configurable placeholders
#63: Improve scanning utilities to be able to scan in both web app and file system
#62: Add Bower integration
#61: Context initialization issue when a component has no debug menu
#8: Add a new FilesystemLocator