Lots of unit and integration tests added
Export links are now added in the fnInitComplete
Callbacks have been refactored to avoid conflict between features that use the same callback
Features that was already avaible using DOM sources are available using AJAX sources (sortInit, sortDirection, cssClass, cssStyle, …)
All StringBuffer have been replaced by StringBuilder, for performance concern
New cssStripes
table attribute
New format
column attribute allowing you to use MessageFormat patterns
New displayLength
table attribute
New scrollCollapse
table attribute
New scrollY
table attribute
New implicit object available inside the <datatables:table>
tag : rowIndex
New lengthChange
table attribute
New dt:stripesclasses
table attribute
New dt:displaylength
table attribute
New scrollcollapse
table attribute
New scrolly
table attribute
All attributes are now processed using the Thymeleaf Standard expression
New lengthchange
table attribute
#81: Fix the internal callbacks conflict
#79: Column display is ignored in HTML in Ajax table
#77: column.cssStyle and column.cssClass ignored on AJAX mode
#74: Problems with how export links are added to the table
#71: NPE in DataCriterias.getFromRequest(request) when request hasn’t iSortingCols parameter
#70: Add support for lengthChange enhancement
#66: The data:url attribute must be processed using the Standard Expressions
#64: Make the rowIndex available as a variable in the page scope
#62: Add support for bScrollCollapse
#61: Add support for iDisplayLength
#56: Add Support for Column Formatting with MessageFormat patterns
#27: Add support for asStripeClasses parameter enhancement JSP