Replaced the ugly NPE by a log when the DandelionFilter is missing
Fixed issue with the configured MessageResolver
The body of the ColumnTag is now evaluated when working with AJAX sources
The processStandardExpression method of AttributeUtils is now less restrictive
The content of div dt:confType="extrahtml" is now evaluated
#258: StandardConfigurationLoader non string values bug
#257: ClassNotFound in MessageResolverProcessor
#256: The body of the ColumnTag is not evaluated when working with AJAX sources
#253: The [group].i18n.message.resolver property is not used
#252: Improve logging when encountering dependency issues
#251: The content of div dt:confType="extrahtml" is not evaluated
#250: The processStandardExpression method of AttributeUtils is too restrictive
#248: Avoid NPE and add logging when the filter is not declared