Servlet API v3.x is now required
Improved the bundle declaration mechanism
The bundle name is now optional. By default, the name of the file (without extension) will be used as a bundle name
Both asset type and name are now optional. They are deducted from the first location found
Added lots of new checks for consistency of bundles
Added a new bundle.location
config option, mainly used for testing purpose, allowing to tell bundle loaders to load JSON files from a specific folder
Generally speaking, formatting and consistency errors are now buffered before being flushed in a DandelionException.
Bundle definitions (whether XML or JSON) are now checked just after they are parsed (consistency, required configuration)
Added support for profiles
The StandardConfigurationLoader has been updated in order to be able to load different properties files depending on the active profile
A profile is activated using the
system property
Some reserved words are used to load preconfigured sets of configurations
"", "dev", "development" ⇒ each DandelionConfig entry is configured using the default dev value
"prod", "production" ⇒ each DandelionConfig entry is configured using the default prod value
Any custom profile name can be used. All options that are not specified in the corresponding properties file will default to dev values
Plenty of configuration points have been renamed or added (toolAssetPrettyPrintingEnabled, toolBundleGraphEnabled, assetCachingEnabled, …) for more consistency
Moved i18n-related classes from dandelion-datatables to dandelion-core in order to allow other components to use the same mechanism for locale and messages resolution
Refactored resource scanning
Added support for JBoss VFS2/VFS3 ensuring compatibility with JBoss AS 5+ / WildFly servers
Added support for Websphere Application Server
Added initial support for asset automatic versioning
An AssetVersioningStrategy can be configured within the configuration
2 built-in implementations are provided: ContentAssetVersioningStrategy (for fingerprinting) and FixedAssetVersioningStrategy
The FixedAssetVersioningStrategy provides some built-in FixedVersionTypes: string and date
New configuration options have been added:
ASSET_VERSIONING to enable automatic asset versioning
:to select a particular strategy
: to select the FixedVersionType if the FixedAssetVersioningStrategy is selected
: to pass a value to the NUMBER and DATE version types
to configure the version if the version type is set to DATE
Whatever strategy is selected, all vendor assets are left untouched. All other assets are impacted by the versioning.
(Beta) Added initial support for a new XML representation of asset bundles
Added new strategy allowing to load XML file using a validating SAX parser
All loaders have been updated to be able to apply 2 loading strategy sequentially : first by scanning for bundles in JSON, then XML
Added support for custom URL pattern thanks to a new asset.url.pattern
configuration option
Added new request handler mechanism, bringing a better separation of concern in the DandelionFilter
New handlers are now in charge of a specific task: injecting the requested assets (main feature), displaying the debugger, reloading the bundles, clear the cache store, clear the asset storage, etc…
All handlers are assembled, using their rank, into two chains: a pre-handler chain (in charge of pre-processing requests) and a post-handler chain (in charge of post-processing responses)
Added support for GZIP compression via a new request handler. Enabled thanks to a new tool.gzip
configuration option. By default, the GZIP compression is done on several text-based mime types: text/html, text/css, application/x-javascript, application/javascript, text/javascript, text/plain, text/xml, application/xhtml+xml, image/svg+xml
Each handler can decide to stop the chain (usage example: when the value of the If-None-Match header equals the value of the ETag header: no need to go further)
Custom handlers can be added thanks to the new SPI: com.github.dandelion.core.web.handler.RequestHandler
New encoding
option, which is used to encode any content processed by the DandelionFilter
Removed the asset.processing.encoding
option in favour of the avobe encoding
New debugger
The debugger has been fully refactored and now contains multiple pages (asset, options)
Old graph viewer (and all related stuff) have been removed
The bundle graph viewer is now accessible with the "ddl-debug" URL parameter (previously "showGraph")
The bundle reloading is now performed with the "ddl-reload" URL parameter (previously "bundleReload")
Added new debug page allowing to visualize the asset storage, the caching system, …
Improved caching policy
Cache headers are now set by a dedicated request handler which is part of the filter chain
Asset caching and gzipping disabled in dev profile
Vendor assets was processed, thus leading to issues
Removed dandelion-yuicompressor extra. It was providing redundant processors compared to CssMin and JsMin ones
Filtering of assets made in the AssetQuery has been improved (performance)
Added a new
configuration option allowing to select the implementation for the asset storage
Renamed asset.caching
to cache
Removed cache.asset.max.size
Renamed cache.request.max.size
to cache_max_size
config option, too specialized for Ehcache
Added support for IE conditional comments via a new condition
attribute in bundle definitions
New API intended to ease asset generation
Make a mecanism of Asset generator based on a AssetContent and a AssetContentGenerator.
Built-in generator
Javascript content generator
JQuery content generator (with placeholder)
The generated Javascript code is now pretty printed by default when in dev profile, using JS Beautifier
New reporting tool, composed of:
a new debug page that displays all alerts for the current request and suggestions if applicable
a new post-filtering handler which performs the check for each request and can report in multiple ways
Added a new tool.alert.reporting
config option in order to enable/disable alert reporting
Reporting type can be configured thanks to a new tool.alert.reporting.mode
config option (console, notification, none or all)
Standalone components
Added a new components.standalone
config option used to mark components as standalone. In this case, the corresponding loader will only scan for regular bundles (not vendor ones)
Fixed issue with HTML5-friendly attributes
Add support for Thymeleaf expression processing in Javascript assets
JavaScript processing is made using customized Thymeleaf template engine
Added a new template mode "DANDELION-JS" (and all related classes: template resolver, template parser, template writer) allowing to process Javascript assets with Thymeleaf expressions
Only "user assets" are concerned, not vendor ones
For all "user assets", the final location now contains a request key (also based on a MD5 hash) as follows: "/servletUrlPattern/requestKey/cacheKey/assetType/assetName-assetVersion.assetType" (should be cleaned for CSS)
Only for concerned "user-assets" (JS), server & browser caching are disabled thanks to HTTP headers
All attributes from the original request (the one which serves the view) are wrapped in a new RequestData object and stored in a basic cache, whose data expire after 30s from their instanciation
Added a new asset.js.processing
config option to enable/disable Thymeleaf processing of external js assets (enabled by default)
Added new handlers in charge of feeding/clearing session with/from flash data
Asset final locations can now contain one more MD5 hash corresponding to the request key, used to lookup in the attribute stored in session
The cache is only initialized if Thymeleaf is present in the classpath, in which case JavaScript assets may be processed
The cache is initialized with a max capacity of 100 entries
#59: Fix issue with JavaScript processing when mime type also contains a charset
#58: Issue with webapp locations with port forwarding
#57: Add support for Thymeleaf expression processing in Javascript assets
#56: Avoid ugly exceptions when loading empty assets with content-based versioning strategy
#54: Fix attribute name in BundleSaxHandler
#51: Bundle loader deactivation
#48: 0.11.0 - ddl-debug
links uses absolute root URL
#47: 0.11.0 - CacheManager#getContent(cacheKey) in DandelionServlet can return null
#46: Add an error reporting tool
#41: Improve the debugger
#40: Add support for automatic versioning
#39: The Dandelion dialect breaks built-in support for HTML5-friendly attributes
#38: Remove the name attribute when writing bundles
#37: Remove the type attribute when writing bundles
#36: Add new Dandelion profiles
#33: Add an extension point allowing to configure the conditions under which the filter can apply
#25: New XML representation for asset bundles
#23: Add support for vfs/vfszip protocols
#21: Improve the caching policy
#20: Add support for conditionnal comments
#19: Relative URLs in CSS when using Webjar/JarLocators with the Servlet 2.x API
#11: Error reporting at startup is too aggressive
#10: Add support for GZIP compression