Dandelion-Datatables 1.1.0 release

Release  Thibault Duchateau 2015-07-29

Dandelion-Datatables has been released in v1.1.0!

This release is mainly focused on the export feature but also fixes performance and security issues. Let’s review some of the changes.


Some utilities have been added to facilitate controller-based export. You can now make full use of the criteria sent by DataTables when using an AJAX source to build an instance of HtmlTable. See the following example extracted from a Spring @Controller.

@RequestMapping(value = "/export", produces = "text/csv")
public String csv(@DatatablesParams DatatablesCriterias criterias, HttpServletRequest request,

  // Get data to export
  List<Person> persons = personService.findPersonsWithDatatablesCriterias(criterias).getRows();

  // Build the export configuration
  ExportConf exportCsvConf = new ExportConf.Builder(ReservedFormat.CSV)
        .exportClass(new CsvExport())

  // Build an instance of table to pass to the export feature
  HtmlTable table = new HtmlTableBuilder<Person>().newBuilder("tableId", persons, request, exportCsvConf)
    .column().fillFromCriteria(criterias).title("Id") (1)
    .column().fillFromCriteria(criterias, "{0,date,dd-MM-yyyy}").title("BirthDate") (2)

  // Render exported data in the browser
  ExportUtils.renderExport(table, exportCsvConf, response);
1 No need to retype the property to extract from the passed collection
2 You can still perform custom formatting when needed

If you need raw export, a new auto mode has been added as well.

@RequestMapping(value = "/export", produces = "text/csv")
public String csv(@DatatablesParams DatatablesCriterias criterias, HttpServletRequest request,


  // Build an instance of table to pass to the export feature
  HtmlTable table = new HtmlTableBuilder<Person>().newBuilder("tableId", persons, request, exportCsvConf)
    .auto(criterias) (1)

1 The auto() method will automatically configure column as they are defined client-side. In return, no formatting is possible.


Nasty concurrency issues have been detected under heavy load. After hours of struggling, Romain and I have finally defeated them. If you are interested, more details are available in the original discussion.

As a consequence, lots of performance tests have been performed and some sample applications now contain JMeter test plans.

The full change logs is available here.

Happy coding!

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